> >However, it also seems that this is getting *really* complicated really
   > >quickly.
   > I'd agree. I was picturing the file the parser used reading something like:
   >    socket|Socket|1.0|gt

I think this is the way to go. I'd suggest that the syntax be easier for
humans (or at least JAPHs ;-) to intepret, and that the condition be
fully generalizable. Something like:

        autouse Socket::socket          { $Socket::VERSION >= 1.0 }
        autouse Text::Reform::format    { 1 }
        autouse Power::socket           { $ENV{WIRED} }

Note that under RFC 128, C<autouse> could actually be a vanilla
Perl subroutine defined by the parser:

        my %autousage;
        sub autouse (""qualified_name, &condition) {
                my ($package, $name) = $qualified_name =~ m/(.*)::(.*)/;
                push @{$autousage{$name}},
                        { package => $package, condition => $condition };

Then the parser could just <do> the file to load its autoloading information.

And when it comes time to resolve unknown subroutine calls, it takes the
first candidate for the name whose condition is satisfied:

        UNKNOWN: foreach $sub ( @unknowns ) {
                foreach $possibility ( @{$autousage{$sub}} } {
                        resolve($sub, $possibility->{package}) and next UNKNOWN
                                if $possibility->{check}->();
                push @unresolved, $sub;

Or else it checks all the candidates and resolves only if there is exactly one
whose condition is satisfied, generating an "Ambiguous subroutine..." error 
if more than one condition is fulfilled.


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