Peter Scott wrote:
> >And in any case, make '-e' have the additional connotation that implies
> >'no strict', and 'no warn'.
> no 'warnings'
> >  Seems simple enough to me.
> Yes, that's what I thought; but this has generated more heat than light, at
> least on the times I've brought it up, e.g.,

Please, let's not retrace this argument. It's really become apparent to
me that there's two types of folks on this:

   1) the quick and dirty users / utility scripters

   2) the instructors and massive code maintainers

(Depending on your project at the time, you may switch between roles).

The former vehemently support "RFC 16: Keep default Perl free of
constraints such as warnings and strict", under various mantras from
"Make things easy" to "Hey, one liners!"

The latter vehemently support the concept of "use strict" and "use
warnings" being on by default. The justification is that it helps people
write cleaner code, catch errors faster, etc, and all you have to do is
say "my" in front of all your variables. (However, let's not forget
about strict refs!)

I personally think that this is something Larry is going to have to
decide. However, I would like to note that leaving these off by default
lowers the transition curve to Perl 6 immensely for those people that
use Perl as a glue/scripting/sysadmin language.

Key: Not everyone becomes a Perl expert. Many people never leave
novice/intermediate level. This doesn't mean that we should design the
language for these people, but it also doesn't mean we should thumb our
noses at them.


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