
No need to respond to individual points, because you
are so clearly wrong. ;> But I would appreciate an
overall response of something like either "this ain't
happening, so give up" or "it remains a possibility,
but I'm not yet remotely convinced". Thanks for your
continued forbearance.

> [mental model of ordered and unordered is important]

Yes. But I'm not sure that:

    # ordered
    @array = (1, 2, 3, 5, 8);

    # unordered
    %hash = (Fred => 22, Jane => 30);

is more or less typical than:

  # unordered:
  @array = ('England', 'France', 'Germany');

  # ordered:
  %hash = (Name => 'Ralph',
           Street => '2512 Essex Place',
           City => 'Nashville',
           State => 'TN',
           Zip => '37212',
           Country => 'USA');


> [normal people want different operators for strings than for numbers]

I realize that perl is not a democracy (thankfully), but
it always helps to ask the people, as it were, so I've
created a survey about these issues, subtly slanted
in favor of voting for the status quo.

11 "normal people" (perl beginners) have responded
to this so far. 5 people say they prefer [] for both named
and numbered subscript parens, rather than [] for one
and {} for the other. 4 people prefer the status quo, and
these four hold this opinion much more strongly than
the ones voting for change. 2 don't care.

So, that doesn't help at all. ;>

You have noted the parallel between array/hash accessing
and function calls. The principle that people want this sort
of difference seems to suggest:

  foo[1,2]         # call function with numeric args
  foo{'fred'}      # call function with string args

which is just weird.


If you deprecated %foo{bar}, you would simplify a, er,
key aspect of perl and eventually free up % and {} for
other duties.

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