>    > And, if this is so, then isn't it impossible to have useful
>    > stricture about variable properties, because any given
>    > reference to a property might be instead a value property
>    > unknown to the compiler?
> Yes.


    You can't have (variable or value) property stricture.

Do these restrictions on property stricture have
spill over effects on method name stricture?

> Though static determinacy is obviously a desirable
> thing... the dynamic power that Perl would have to
> lose [to gain significantly more static determinacy]
> would not compensate for the static benefits gained.

Beautifully understated. :>

> B&D languages

What's B&D?

> I very much doubt Perl is going to become
> significantly more statically analyzable in general. 

Of course, static analysis doesn't have to only
happen during a regular compilation pass. I
can imagine the compiler architecture being
such that it aids development of static analysis
tools that take their time to do deep analysis
which blurs the compile/runtime distinction as
far as things like declaration stricture is concerned.

But, where I had my doubts about stricture being
an on topic perl6-language issue, I have none
about static analysis support from the compiler.
So, no more on that here from me...

> Larry's MMV on that ;-)

Man I really need to get up to speed with these
acronyms. I know YMMV, is MMV a distant
cousin perhaps?

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