On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 04:38:51PM +0100, Steffen Mueller wrote:
: Damian Conway wrote:
: >Larry wrote:
: >
: >>On the other hand, I could see an argument that said anyone who
: >>doesn't know what .arity means shouldn't be writing routines that
: >>depend on it...
: >That was more or less my line of thought.
: Now, I think I'll dare claim my English is not exactly bad for a 21 
: year-old non-native speaker. Being a physics and CS student, I do also 
: have mathematical background, but it still took me a few seconds to 
: figure out "arity" *in this context*. Maybe that's because I can't think 
: of an exact German equivalent either; maybe it's because I don't think a 
: function's arity is quite the same as it's *minimum* number of 
: parameters? I mean, it makes sense in a functional language... but you 
: don't have functions with a variable number of arguments there.

Sure, but one can imagine having functions with a given arity that
can nonetheless be modified adverbially.  In this view, required
parameters contribute to "arity", but optional parameters are only
used for, er, options.


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