On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 10:44:57AM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
> One thing that occurred to me over the weekend is that we could fix all
> the one-liners using a similar strategy to the package/module/class
> switch.  It would be a (roughly) zero growth option to simply
> switch to :x syntax for command-line switches instead of -x syntax.
> Any program that uses colon switches instead of minus switches would
> then automatically be assumed to be in Perl 6.

I know this sounds slightly irrational but I don't like using shifted
characters to offset my command line switches.  Also, that colon seems
*way* overloaded.  :-)  How about = instead?

        #!/usr/bin/perl =
        #!/usr/bin/perl =6

Although perl =P =i.bak =le '...' does look a little strange.  But
double the dashes for double the fun!  This is perl 6!  :-)

Jonathan Scott Duff

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