On Tue, Oct 19, 2004 at 09:35:27PM +0100, Matthew Walton wrote:
: Austin Hastings wrote:
: >Does this mean that we're done?   :)
: No, it means Larry's about to stun us with something seemingly bizarre 
: and inexplicable which turns out to be a stroke of genius.

The only bizarre and inexplicable thing that has occurred to me in the
last week is that I fell into a canal in Venice.  It was definitely
somewhat stunning, but I have yet to figure out how to view it as
a stroke of genius.  I suppose if I were Archimedes I'd have climbed
back out and shouted "Eureka", but as far as I know Archimedes never
made it to Italy, so it didn't occur to me...

I did learn one important life lesson, however.  When you notice that
the last step down to the canal looks slippery, it's a good idea to
consider whether the first step down might also be slippery.  I don't
usually buy slippery slope arguments, but in this case, I should have.

Nevertheless, any resemblance between the Perl design process and
bouncing down stairs is entirely coincidental.  (I hope.)

: At least, I hope that's the case. Life's been so dull lately I've even 
: applied to do a PhD.

Obviously I'm in little danger of that.


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