But your numbers are utterly useless, as they are counts of humans, not
> programmers. I think that the number of programmers who don't understand
> English is very small. They know English because historically, the
> programmer's world has been English.

My point was that English speakers are in a minority and that the current 
bias towards English speakers is not necessarily a good thing, and 
definitely not something we should seek to preserve.

> Of course, the level of comprehension differs greatly. That's why where
> things get hard, Perl lets you write the "wrong" thing, like 1th and
> 2th, maybe even 5rd and 7nd. And documentation should be written as
> simply and clearly as possible. If a word like "mnemonic" is used, it
> should first be explained.
> And keywords are new to any programmer anyway. Mnemonically, it may be
> easy to remember that say prints something, but it certainly doesn't say
> anything. And how is remembering "my" or "readline" or "try" any harder
> than the many not-at-all-english \W operators that Perl has?

My point was in response to the expressed sentiment that non-ascii letters 
should not be used in identifiers, rather than in keywords. 

Then, there are books, documentation, mailing lists and fora, most of
> which are available in English only. A small part is translated, but
> I find it hard to believe that the translated portion can be enough.
> (Still, having them around does help many people, and that's why I think
> perldocs should perhaps come in several languages (as a different
> project, so translation delays don't delay Perl releases)).

I sincerely hope that one day there will be perl books written by 
non-English speakers that I can find English translations for ;-)

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