Juerd wrote:
I think there exists an even simpler way to avoid any mess involved.
Instead of letting AUTOLOAD receive and pass on arguments, and instead
of letting AUTOLOAD call the loaded sub, why not have AUTOLOAD do its
thing, and then have *perl* call the sub?
    sub AUTOLOAD ($w) { return our &::($w) := get_subref_for $w }

I like that.  Makes it more consistent with the AUTOSCALAR, etc methods -
returning a reference to the result (variable ref/code ref/sub name) rather
than the actual result (variable value/calling the sub).

After all, presumably the compiler might sometimes call the AUTOLOAD at
compile time; to get its signature.  So, for instance, you could AUTOLOAD
all the methods you optionally export, which are all pulled in at once when
a module imports a function and tries to use it in some code (as the
signature will need to be checked then).  I was going to bring that up
next, but I think this has already answered it.


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