Damian Conway wrote:

I'm not enamoured of the .# I must confess. Nor of the #. either. I wonder whether we need the dot at all. Or, indeed, the full power of arbitrary delimiters after the octothorpe.

What if we restricted the delimiters to the five types of balanced brackets? And then simply said that, when any comment specifier (i.e. any octothorpe) is followed immediately by an opening bracket, the comment extends to the corresponding closing bracket?

Then you could have:

    #[ This is a comment ]
    #( This is a comment )
    #{ This is a comment }
    #< This is a comment >
    #« This is a comment »

This is a much better idea, disconnected from the question of putting spaces in method calls. It's particularly nice if you say the magic words "multi-line comment."

(Please, spare me the hand-wringing about pod.)

I'll even pay you a closing hash (]#, }#, )#, etc.) if you put it in. For extra credit, make them nest.


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