On 6/2/06, Paul Hodges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Though if that works, you could squish this example even more, to

 class QueueRunner {

   our sub process_queue(Code @jobs_in) {
       map { async { &_() } } @jobs_in;

 }# end QueueRunner

 # Elsewhere...
 my @answer = QueueRunner.process_job_queue( @jobs );

and the issues of serialization are hidden in the map() call. For all

 my @answer = map { async { &_() } } @jobs;

though that gets away from the point.

Someone smack me if I'm drifting too far here?

That still seems too explicit. I thought we had hyperoperators to
implictly parallelize for us:

my @answer = @jobs.ยป();

Which would run them in parallel automatically, if possible.

- Ashley Winters

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