I liked it. Just one nit, near the end:

>You can also preconfigure L<formatting codes|#Formatting codes>, by
>naming them with a pair of angles as a suffix. For example:
>     =comment Always allow E<> codes in any (implicit or explicit) V<>
> code... =config V<> :allow<E>
>     =comment All code to be italiciized...
>     =config C<> :formatted<I>
>Note that, even though the code is named using single-angles, the
>preconfiguration applies regardless of the actual delimiters used
>on subsequent instances of the code.

s/italiciized/italicized/ in the marked place.

<Customer> Waiter, waiter! There's a fly in my soup!
<Waiter> That's not a bug, it's a feature.
http://surreal.istic.org/                   It sounded right in my head.

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