Good examples.  Now could you provide some to explain to me why it's
important to distinguish between '$', '@', '%', and '&'?  I ask
because I've seen a lot of object-based code that has said stuff like
'$container{$key}'; it seems that there's an assumption that $foo can
be used as a list, a hash, or even a routine if the object that it's
tied to has list-, hash-, or routine-like behavior: i.e., it no longer
seems to be "a scalar variable", but rather "a variable".  Whereas
'@', '%', and '&' still seem to promise list, hash, and routine
functionality, respectively.  In short, there no longer appears to be
a sigil that says "I give my solemn promise that the contents herein
will be scalar."

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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