On Jan 3, 2008 6:36 PM, Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 02, 2008 at 11:28:54AM -0800, Jonathan Lang wrote:
> : Paul Hodges wrote:
> : > http://perl6.org/doc/design/syn/S02.html still says:
> : >  "Intra-line comments will not be supported in standard Perl"

> Note that the document on perl6.org is nearly three years out-of-date!
> Anyone know who runs that site?  We need a better GC algorithm. :)
> The best place to read synopses right now is probably perlcabal.org/syn
> because it has the test suite interspersed, so you can easily click
> to see test examples if you don't understand a particular passage.

What about http://dev.perl.org/perl6/synopsis/ ?
Is that also out of date?
http://www.pugscode.org/ links there...


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