
John M. Dlugosz wrote:
I don't want to have to "extract" it.  I want to be able to say

     $x = foo

I guess that does not collapse the capture that foo returns. So
it goes into $x unaltered. If you later use $x as an invocant
of a method this extracts the invocant slot from the capture.
And $x<named> works as expected.

and get the single value return from foo, and only dress it up if I want the optional secondary returns

     my ($x, :$named) = foo;   # or something like that

Should work.

Sorry, you lost me again.

Single-assignment is a feature from constraint programming e.g. in Oz.
There you have a single-assignment store. I interpreted Larry's comment
on my coro question as making single-assignment semantics first-class
and everything else second-class.

A capture can contain an array that later on can change its content:

  @a = 1,2,3;
  @b = 4,5,6;
  @c = 7,8,9;
  $cap = \(@a,@b);

  $cap[0]   = @c; # error
  $cap[0][] = @c; # ok, @a now 7,8,9

Writing into a container is contra-variant. Reading is co-variant.
So a capture has to be invariant. Assume A <: B <: C and regard

    my A $a;
    my C $c;

    my B $ba := $a; # ok for reading from $a
    my B $bc := $c; # ok for writing into $c

Both bindings are type errors. If captures were recursively immutable
you could allow bindings ala $ba. Well, or we interpret $a and $b as
typed views of whatever value they lead to. This insures that there
will never be assignment or binding type errors.

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity"
  -- C.A.R. Hoare

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