Dear Thomas,

>>Is this supposed to be a joke
Absolutely not. What I was trying to say is that there seems
to be a trend to consider very relaxed identifier rules a good thing.

If Perl 6 wants to grab the road for 20 years, then perhaps
this issue is more serious (this is why I quoted you in particular)
than is obvious, because just as has been pointed out,
relaxed identifiers could become what programmers actually expect.

I also tried to say that as special characters (not 7-bit ASCII)
like for hyper ops have already been admitted, the question of just how
far ($foo&bar) this admission should (be allowed to) is just around
the corner.

When I look at Windows Powershell (dashes everywhere) or XML, where
identifiers literally have to be tagged so we know what they mean,
I can't say it's very pretty.

I'm just interested in where the balance in all this will be.

Apologies, Thom, for being imprecise and seemingly antagonizing.


-----Original Message-----
From: TSa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Dienstag, 12. August 2008 09:25
Subject: Re: Allowing '-' in identifiers: what's the motivation?


Michael Mangelsdorf wrote:
>>> Actually I can even imagine allowing almost all chars
>>> in the middle of identifiers.
> Is this a trend we should extrapolate into the lifetime scope
> of the Perl 6 language?
> How far are we in this process, given Unicode guillemets for hyper ops?

Is this supposed to be a joke or a serious contribution to the
discussion? Mine was serious in the sense that I consider the
enforcement of whitespace for infix ops a good thing or at least
not a bad side-effect. What's so different in $foo-bar versus
$foo*bar, $foo+bar or $foo/bar? The latter might e.g. indicate
path variables. Or imagine a coding convention where junctive
variables bear their generating operator: $foo|bar, $foo&bar and

Regards, TSa.

"The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity" -- C.A.R. Hoare
"Simplicity does not precede complexity, but follows it." -- A.J. Perlis
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