On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 06:20:51PM +0100, TSa wrote:
> HaloO,
> Jon Lang wrote:
>> This can already be done, for the most part:
>> / (<.does(ro)>) /
>> Mind you, this only searches a list; to make it search a tree, you'd
>> need a drill-down subrule such as I outline above:
>> / <[>* (<.does(ro)>) <]>* /
> Isn't it the case that ~~ has very special dispatch semantics? First
> it is singly dispatched on the lhs, then the rhs determines the
> type of match. 

No.  From S03:

    ... smart matches are dispatched first on the basis of the 
    pattern's form or type (the [rhs]), and then that pattern 
    itself decides whether and how to pay attention to the 
    type of the topic [lhs].


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