On Mar 10, 9:49 am, la...@wall.org (Larry Wall) wrote:
> Algol68 would have done much better had it been Open Source software...

If Algol68 was *GPL* Open-Source, then I could take the Zilog Z80
implementation Algol68C and have a HLL on my TI-84 _Pocket_ Calculator
(rather the existing choice of "TI-BASIC" or asm... sigh):
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TI-84_Plus_series
* http://www.80bus.co.uk/publications/magazines/LSG3.pdf - R Anderson

Using Algol68 on a pocket calculator must then set some kind of record
being the longest "long-gestated Bubble Bobble" ever:
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubble_Bobble

> Incidentally, I programmed in AlgolW on a Burroughs machine once,
> long, long ago in a galaxy far away...
SNAP.  AlgolW was my first HLL. But I suspect you mean a IBM 360.
you can find more details of a Burroughs implementation? (esp source
c.f. http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=Algol%20W

The only other AlgolW implementation I know of it is the 2008
by Glyn Webster: http://www.jampan.co.nz/~glyn/


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