* Randal L. Schwartz <merlyn@stonehenge.com> [2006-09-19 21:25]:
> The form-generation stuff needs tight coupling with the getting
> (and setting) of the incoming param values.  You couldn't just
> use two random modules for that... they'd have to specifically
> know about each other and work together.

Err, no. They just need a known protocol, and the semantics of
CGI.pm’s `param` method have spread pretty widely and are now
used by many other modules as well. In general, you can pass
instances from any of these modules to anything that expects
something that speaks that protocol and they work just fine.
F.ex., you can pass CGI::Simple objects into HTML::Template for
variable prepopuluation and it Just Works because they talk to
each other using the CGI.pm `param` protocol.

Form handling clearly requires no coupling.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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