OOOWWW my tail is burnt!!! But I wasnt on the committee... promise.

Sorry about the cat...

So lets get some money into this Foundation, so that, perhaps, Larry might possibly, if he deserves, get a little more money.


Larry Wall wrote:
On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 11:03:03AM +0300, Richard Hainsworth wrote:
No one likes bureacracy. But I feel much happier about handing over money, or persuading someone else to hand over money, to a group of people with established procedures and collective responsibility, than to some enthusiatic individual who promises the earth and whose the world-number-one genius at code writing, but might also go and blow the whole lot on girls and booze cos his cat died.

Let me make a clear statement here.  I have no trouble with the
committee making its decisions--that's what the committee is obliged
to do.  The committee is *not* obliged to feel secure about that;
(nor do I feel obliged to allow them to feel secure about that ;) nevertheless, the committee is also not obliged to demonstrate its
insecurity by heaping scorn upon such persons of indeterminate feline
attachment while turning them down.  A simple "no" would suffice
without the we-had-to-say-this-because-you-suck bits.

By the way, it's possible that I might deserve a little more money,
because *my* cat died last year, and as near as I can tell, I didn't
spend any money on girls and booze because of it...  :)


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