On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 07:46, Guy Hulbert <gwhulb...@eol.ca> wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-16-01 at 09:16 -0600, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>> I agree fully about the need for a visual representation;  as far as
>> the name goes I'm hoping that people will think of "Rakudo Perl" in
>> a manner to the way that we currently think of "Strawberry Perl" or
>> "Vanilla Perl".
> Huh?! ;)
> AFAIK.  Strawberry Perl is a binary distribution of perl5 for windows.
> I thought "Rakudo Perl 6" was ( equivalent to "perl5" in the sentence
> above ) either "going to become perl6" or "already perl6".
> Is that the case, or
>  is there not going to be a(n official) "perl6" or
>  are there going to be many "perl6"s ?
> Yes, I know there is pugs but I thought that was a prototype.
from http://perlcabal.org/syn/S01.html#Project_Plan:

What we can say here is that, unlike how it was with Perl 5, none of
these projects is designed to be the Official Perl. Perl 6 is anything
that passes the official test suite. This test suite was initially
developed under the Pugs project because that project is the furthest
along in exploring the high-level semantics of Perl 6. (Other projects
are better at other things, such as speed or interoperability.)
However, the Pugs project views the test suite as community property,
and is working towards platform neutrality, so that Perl 6 is defined
primarily by its desired semantics, not by accidents of history.


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