On Wed, 2011-05-01 at 21:04 +0300, Richard Hainsworth wrote:
> Guy,
> Your idea is actually exactly what I was suggesting when I said
> 'example 
> programs'.

What convinced me that rakudo is worth pursuing was the 3-line dice
class with a roll() method.  What I do now is 'use fields' and build
from templates.  I understood fields via 'perldoc -m' in far less time
than I've spent reading through Moose docs.

> I think there are/were perl6 versions for the shootout problems. I am 
> not sure what happened to them.

I doubt they were posted on alioth.  I think that a pre-requisite is:

        apt-get install rakudo

on ubuntu.

> Getting benchmarking will be interesting.

I hope I have time.  I'm planning to compile and run one C and one perl
program today and see if the outputs are the same (that's my
understanding, so far, of the requirements for alioth).

> Regards,
> Richard


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