On Fri, 2011-22-04 at 09:09 -0500, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> We can
> actually make the "perl6" executable file itself as small as 
> 50K, but the first thing it then does is load a several-megabyte
> Parrot bytecode library.
> But overall answer to your question -- yes, we expect that
> improvements in Parrot (better serialization, better bytecode
> formats, better object system) will enable us to significantly 
> reduce the current size of the perl6 executable.  I don't know
> by how much, but a 50% reduction in size doesn't seem unrealistic.

Does this 50% reduction in size apply to the library above (perl6 50kB,
parrot lib sMB) ?

Could one make further optimizations to the Parrot bytcode library via
native libraries ?


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