On 03/05/2013 12:02 PM, Rob Hoelz wrote:
On 3/5/13 11:44 AM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 11:13:51AM +0100, Rob Hoelz wrote:
I already have my own package for Arch Linux for Rakudo Star, and I keep
the OS X homebrew package up-to-date as well.  I'd like to create an RPM
spec file and a DEB spec file as well.  I have two questions:

1) Do these spec files belong in the Rakudo Star repository?
I have no problem with maintaining spec files in any of the
Rakudo-related repos (NQP, Rakudo, Star).

2) Which makes more sense: having a Rakudo Star package that depends on
a separate Rakudo package (so Rakudo Star would only consist of modules
and applications), or having a Rakudo Star package that conflicts with a
separate Rakudo package (so users may install one or the other)?  [...]
I suspect to ever be considered for official inclusion in Debian/Ubuntu
distros, you'd have to have the first option (separate compiler and
module packages).  And moreso:  they likely prefer to see each module
as its own package, rather than a single package containing a complete
collection of modules.  (I think module collections in the .deb world
tend to be managed as packages with dependencies, as opposed to
all-in-one packages.)

That's a good point; that's probably the proper way to do things.  Now
to make that happen...

It may also be worth noting/reminding that Rakudo Star has never been
intended to be the "only" or even "primary" module collection, it's just
one of the first.  It could make good sense to come up with a new
P6 distribution that is better tailored to the needs of OS distros.

Another good point; should we hold off on making packages for Rakudo
Star until something more appropriate comes along, or should we go
ahead and make some packages?  I would favor the latter, myself.

I think a good idea is to start packaging Rakudo, panda, perl6-debug and the various modules. And if/when all of the modules in Star are packaged, you can make a sort of meta package that depends on them all, and call it 'rakudo-star'.

That's a bit of a bottom-up approach, which worked well in other areas of Perl 6 development.


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