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El mar., 12 jun. 2018 a las 9:09, JJ Merelo (<jjmer...@gmail.com>) escribió:

> Use binding:
> my @x= <1 2 3>; my @y := @x but Iterable; say @y.^name; #  OUTPUT:
> «Array+{Iterable}␤»
> El mar., 12 jun. 2018 a las 9:06, Joseph Brenner (<doom...@gmail.com>)
> escribió:
>> I thought this would work to make a copy of @x but with the role
>> "LookInside" attached to it:
>>    my @y = @x but LookInside;
>> But that didn't add the role to @y. E.g.
>>   say @y.^WHAT
>> Would just report (Array), not (Array+{LookInside}).
>> I found that this would do what I was trying to do though:
>>    my @y = @x;
>>    @y does LookInside;
>> I didn't think there would be any difference between the two
>> though.  What am I not getting?
>> The full code looks like this:
>> trial_introspect.pl6:
>>   use v6;
>>   use Trial::Introspect;
>>   my @x = <wuhn tew thuree foah fahv sex>;
>>   my @y = @x;
>>   @y does LookInside;
>>   say "Methods: ";
>>   say @y.methodical_methods;
>> .../Trial/Introspect.pm6:
>>   role LookInside {
>>     method methodical_methods {
>>       self.^methods.map({ .gist }).sort.unique.map({ "$_\n" }).grep({
>> ! /^Method/ });
>>     }
>>   }
> --
> JJ


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