On Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 10:35 AM ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <perl6-users@perl.org <mailto:perl6-users@perl.org>> wrote:

    On 10/14/18 2:29 AM, Ralph Mellor wrote:
     > In P6 "assign" means use of `=`.
     > And "assign to" means to copy into the thing on the left of the `=`.
     > And to copy into something the thing has to be a mutable container.
     > The error message is saying that $ReturnStr is bound to an
     > immutable value (eg a string) not a container.
     > So that's presumably a problem with whatever code you've
     > written that has earlier bound $ReturnStr to an immutable value.
     > --
     > raiph

         my Str $ReturnStr = "";

    I think slurp-rest does not support

           enc => 'utf8-c8'


    See my other letter on this thread

On 10/14/18 2:43 AM, Ralph Mellor wrote:
I just tried slurp-rest with a specified encoding and it worked fine.

Are you sure you don't bind $ReturnStr between the
declaration you've shiown and the use you've shown?


If I do, I am not seeing it.  Here is the specific code:

sub RunNoShellAll( Str $RunString, Int $StdOut, Int $StdErr, Int $Code ) {

   # $RunString   Comnad line to run without a shell
   # $StdOur      read and return the STDOUT       1=yes, 0=no
   # $StdErr      read and return the STDERR       1=yes, 0=no
   # $Code        read and return the return code  1=yes, 0=no

# Note: If reading the STDERR, it is PRESUMED you also will be reading the STDIN. # If only reading the return code, it is presumed that you want the STDERR
   #          and STDIN to be silent.

   # place each value into a cell in an array.  Keep quoted
   # values together
   # print "Run String = <$RunString>\n";

   # returns
   #    StdOut as Str $ReturnStr
   #    StdErr as Str $ReturnErr
   #    Return Code ($?) as Int $RtnCode

   my Buf $BufStdErr;
   my Str $ReturnStr = "";
   my Str $ReturnErr = "";
   my Int $RtnCode = 0;
   my $proc;

   my @RunArray  = $RunString ~~ m:global/ [ '"' <-[ " ]> * '"' | \S+ ] /;

   # shells remove the quote, so you have to here as well
   for @RunArray.kv -> $index, $value { @RunArray[$index] ~~ s:g/\"//; };
# for @RunArray.kv -> $index, $value { say "\$RunArray[$index] = <$value>"; }; print "\n";

   if    $StdErr  { $proc      = run( @RunArray, :err, :out ); }
elsif $StdOut { $proc = run( @RunArray, :out ); } # STDERR goes to the terminal else { $proc = run( @RunArray, :err, :out ); } # STDIN and STDERR are silent

   if  $Code    { $RtnCode   = $proc.status; }
# if $StdErr { $ReturnErr = $$proc.err.slurp-rest( enc => 'utf8-c8' ); } # if $StdOut { $ReturnStr = $$proc.out.slurp-rest( enc => 'utf8-c8' ); }
   if  $StdErr  { $ReturnErr = $$proc.err.slurp-rest; }
   if  $StdOut  { $ReturnStr = $$proc.out.slurp-rest; }
   # $ReturnStr = $BufStdErr.decode("utf8-c8") }

   return( $ReturnStr, $ReturnErr, $RtnCode );

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