On 2020-01-15 15:36, Trey Harris wrote:
artificially-hyperbolized reference to JJ helped anything after previously calling him a dog.

To anyone still misunderstanding this. "Guard Dog" is
a figure of speech.  It means he is over protective.
I DID NOT CALL HIM A DOG.  And JJ knew this.  I was
very clear about this.

JJ is a swell guy.  I have stated so a ton of times.
I personally like JJ.  Please no one try to create
strife between the two of us.

And JJ and I have jokes back and forth about what
kind of dogs the two of us would be.  He knew I
was not calling a dog.  (Golden Retrievers are
sweeter than Labs, by the way.)


Thank you for your impassioned letter.  I will take
it to heart.


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