On Sun, Oct 23, 2022 at 1:18 AM ToddAndMargo via perl6-users
<perl6-users@perl.org> wrote:
> Which goes back to my question.  What is the last one they published that 
> supports Windows 7?

I would say there isn't one, where "supports" is a present tense meaning.

Your question is analogous to asking what is the last book published
that contains a poem we know Queen Elizabeth II of England reads
aloud each Sunday. There is no such book even if there was one a
couple years ago, and even if we've still got that book on our
bookshelves. Why? Because she recently passed away.

More concretely, if a problem arises with a Rakudo or Raku program,
and it's running on a Windows 7 system, then core Raku devs are
all but obliged to steer clear of suggesting there is any support of
any nature whatsoever. Because if a platform vendor has officially
withdrawn support then all vendors targeting that platform must also
realistically withdraw *their* support too, at least "officially", and, imo,
in practice too.

If anyone is crazy enough to tell you or your customers they've your
back, or their back, for support of any sort on an unsupported platform,
it's important to recognize that legally, and business insurance wise,
you'll be on your own unless you have some explicit legal cover for
that situation.

Just my 2c but I wasn't sure if you understood why folk were being
more than reticent to suggest there's more support than was stated.

love, raiph

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