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How to love a country in a time of

              Indonesia has been brought to its knees by a small club of
crony capitalists, says
              GOENAWAN MOHAMAD. The IMF deal offers hope because it will
weaken their grip
              on the economy of 200 million other Indonesians.

              I was brought up with a belief that 'Indonesia is inside
you'. In other words, things that
              hurt the country also hurt you, at least psychologically.
But this patriotic talk may
              sound bloated and empty to many, especially because often I
forget to ask myself
              which Indonesia I am talking about.

              Trying to figure out how to love the country in this time
of anger and frustration, I
              gradually came to the conclusion that there is not one
single Indonesia. The rupiah
              crash of 1998 is a testimony that what you see are actually
two different countries,
              an Indonesia of dollar debtors and an Indonesia of the
deprived. This is a point I would
              like to suggest, in response to nationalist flag-waving
arguments against the virtue of
              inviting a foreign institution like the IMF to bail out
Indonesia from its current mess.

              Golf club

              The 1998 crisis is a costly lesson of how not treat the
country like a putting green.
              Someone told me that The Economist sees an analogy between
the Asian way of
              managing national economies and the way people meet, play
and do business with
              each other in a golf club. I never play golf, so I am not
sure how apt is the description.
              But Indonesia's large foreign debt indicates that there is
something 'clubby' in the
              manner Indonesia's major economic players circulate
billions in currencies from one
              place to another.

              To be sure, there are conflicting stories about Indonesia's
foreign debt. One estimate
              says that more than half of the foreign borrowing belongs
to the private sector. The
              Wall Street Journal gives a different picture. According to
this newspaper, a closer
              examination of the composition of Indonesia's foreign debt
shows that a much larger
              portion is owed by the government or guaranteed by the
government for state-owned
              enterprises than previously thought.

              Whatever the truth is, it is easy to imagine that there are
no more than 200 people
              (out of 200 million) involved in the deal. They are a
coterie of top government people
              and business leaders. Theirs is the Indonesia that is now
being pressed to grab as
              many dollars as possible to service the debt. Accordingly,
the dollar has been in high
              demand, and its exchange rate has climbed to a menacing
height. The result is our
              current slump, sending millions of people down to the
poverty line and insolvency.

              Distant neighbours

              Given the political format of the country, the other
Indonesia - the Indonesia of the
              deprived - has no way to influence the course of events,
although it is fast becoming a
              vast territory of victims. Apparently, the two Indonesias,
one belonging to 200 people,
              and the other to the 200 millions, are like distant
neighbours who hardly care for each

              Not a very long time ago, the theory was that the 'Asian
miracle' was due to what
              MIT's economist Lester Thurow described as 'communitarian
capitalism' that was
              different from, and preferable to, US capitalism. He was
speaking of the Japanese
              and Korean models. Today the Asian crisis suggests there is
nothing 'communitarian'
              about the system. The clubby cooperation between private
corporate groups and
              government institutions (with the support of open handed
banks) breeds complacency
              at best - and the public, including shareholders, are kept
in the dark. They are even
              intimidated not to ask questions. Sooner or later the next
stage arrives, which is a
              corrupt system of crony capitalism.

              Indonesia of the dollar debtors is precisely a system of
this kind. It is a country where
              nobody seems to care about accountability. Bankers have
lost their capacity for
              judgment and never call a loan; they even take bribes from
borrowers, with the result
              that companies accumulate a large amount of bad debt. The
Indonesia of the dollar
              debtors is also a country where project costs are marked up
by up to 50% to make it
              possible for corporate executives to bring millions of
illegitimate greenbacks to their
              personal account. At the end of the day, it is the national
economy that bears the
              brunt. The first victims are always the weakest.

              Unholy alliance

              The trend is made worse because the 'unholy alliance', as
senior economist Sumitro
              Djojohadikusumo calls it, goes further up, involving people
close to the most powerful
              seat in the republic. Last year, for instance, there was
high-powered pressure on both
              private and state banks to give loans to the 'national car'
project, and the scared
              bankers followed the order without doing normal checks on
the investment plan.

              Today you read the story of Steady Safe, a taxi company
that received a US$265
              million loan from the once-prestigious Peregrine
Investments Holdings Ltd in Hong
              Kong. Two years ago Yopie Wijaya, the taxi man, took Tutut,
the First Daughter, as
              his business partner before he knocked at Peregrine's door
for money. Today the
              Hong Kong-based company has collapsed; the loan is bad.

              An economist friend once told me of the different impacts
between two acts of
              embezzlement. One is when somebody takes money from the
state treasury - he
              steals US$15 million and it is bad, but that's all. The
other is when a powerful person
              sets up a monopoly-based company - he makes the same amount
of money, but the
              result is a highly distorted market. This unchecked rent-
seeking practice has grown
              to such a colossal proportion that it has made Indonesia a
country financially bloated
              and institutionally damaged.

              Obviously, this is not the Indonesia that I, for one, would
care to defend. In fact, this
              is the Indonesia that many have been trying to do away
with; it is the real culprit of
              our painful downturn. Regrettably, reform-minded people
both inside and outside the
              government have no real power to get rid of it. Hence the
significance of the IMF deal.


              The IMF package agreed by President Suharto is no panacea
for good governance.
              But the way I see it is that it is not only about US$43
billion in money. In itself it is
              not a promise of political reform, but it may lead to the
weakening of political

              To be sure, it is imposed by a foreign institution; it is
also painful, and it is not
              perfect. But from the hardship it entails the people will
have a better argument to
              urgently demand more symmetry of sacrifice from the powers
that be. In short, the
              IMF deal is a sad, if not 'evil', necessity. To use
nationalist rhetoric against the
              package may bring Indonesia back to the apologists of
ersatz capitalism and its
              dubious achievements.

              As a concluding note, let me draw an analogy from a more
dramatic event in history.
              Following the defeat of 1945, the Japanese were put under
an American-imposed
              constitution. Most Japanese took it as a chance to build a
more democratic society,
              which was to them preferable to the nationalistic
flag-waving 'Nippon'. The rest was
              their own determination to make the experiment a success.

              Goenawan Mohamad is a senior journalist and a poet. He
edited Tempo, the news
              weekly that was banned in 1994. This appeared in the
Jakarta Post on 25 January

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