HIDUP BECAK!!!. I love becak, daripada bajaj, udah kecil, jorok, berisik,
belok engga' pernah ngasih "sen", nyelip2 sana, nyelib sini, kalau nabarak
ujung2nya sorry, belom lagi kalau kita kelamaan didalam bajaj, getarannya
masih tetap kerasa sampai 1 jam kemudian hehehehe...:)).


Yohanes Sulaiman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ini bahan pemikiran akhir minggu:
Kita setiap membaca koran pasti dibombardir bahwa becak itu jelek dan tak
berguna serta mengganggu tata tertib kota. Namun para environmentalists
di US tak berpikiran demikian. Mungkin ada yang mau berkomentar tentang
topik ini? Soalnya walaupun ini hanya soal 'becak' tapi saya rasa cukup
menarik untuk didiskusikan apalagi buat yang mau berusaha 'mengubah'
Indonesia dari cara berpikir orde lama. Apalagi buat yang akan pulang
dari Amerika: apakah sudah siap melihat becak kembali? :-)


>Here's what this alert is about:
>Protect Non-Polluting Bicycle Rickshaws and Human Rights in Indonesia
>TO: All Environmental Defense Activists
>RE: Protect Non-Polluting Bicycle Rickshaws and Human Rights
>in Indonesia
>Dear Friends:
>A tragedy is unfolding in Indonesia, threatening human
>rights, the regional and global environment, and the poor. A
>non-polluting transportation system that provides jobs for
>low income people and safe travel options especially for
>women is under threat in Jakarta. But you can act today to
>help Indonesian workers and communities defend their city's
>8,000 bicycle rickshaws, also called becaks.
>Thanks to rising dependence on motor vehicles world-wide,
>transportation is the fastest growing major source of
>greenhouse gas emissions. The Netherlands and Japan have
>demonstrated how -- by supporting alternatives to fossil-
>fueled motor vehicles such as bicycles -- modern
>transportation systems can boost equitable access to jobs
>and curb pollution. But some countries, such as Indonesia
>are choosing to suppress these poverty reducing and
>environmentally friendly alternatives.
>After the overthrow of Indonesia's  corrupt Suharto regime,
>the past year saw a revival of the use of bicycle rickshaws
>in Jakarta. Prior to the Suharto-era rickshaw ban in 1988,
>there were over 100,000 cycle rickshaws operating in
>Jakarta. Bicycle rickshaws provide jobs for poor people and
>inexpensive non-polluting taxi services in low and moderate
>income areas. Many women travelers favor cycle rickshaws
>because they offer protection from being groped on buses. To
>spur purchase of highly polluting motor vehicles made by
>Suharto-owned factories, the government seized 40,000 cycle
>rickshaws and dumped them into the sea to replace coral
>reefs destroyed for construction fill. Many rickshaw drivers
>were forced to relocate to cut and burn the Indonesian
>rainforest for marginal farms and ranches as part of the
>government's 'transmigration program.'
>The recent changes in Indonesia's political climate over the
>past year saw the declining enforcement of the rickshaw ban.
>Estimated 8000 cycle rickshaws have now returned to
>Jakarta's streets but their status remains officially
>illegal under Bylaw 11/1988. Environmental and social
>justice groups have rallied to repeal the ban. The new
>Indonesian President was expected to ride in a cycle
>rickshaw at a Jakarta rally last week of 5000 supporters of
>the cycle rickshaws. Instead, he and the Governor of Jakarta
>called on the City Council to maintain the ban on cycle
>rickshaws and to begin a new crackdown at once.

>International support is needed now to help restore non-
>polluting, affordable travel options in Indonesia. Edit
>the letter below into your own words and send it by
>email to the special e-mail box ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>set up in Indonesia to deliver this message to the
>Indonesian President and the Governor of Jakarta.
>As you know, by simply replying to this message Action
>Network delivers your letter to the right target.
>If you have access to a web browser, you can take action on this
>alert by going to the following URL:
>  http://actionnetwork.org/take-action.tcl?key=59116A3928B944218416C70443
>You must include the whole letter in your response starting with
>We STRONGLY encourage you to make edits directly to our sample letter
>below, and put the alert talking points into your own words. An
>individualized letter is worth ten computer generated letters. Of
>course, hundreds of unedited letters will still create a large impact,
>so please reply even if you don't have time to personalize the letter.
>Your letter will be addressed and sent to:
>President Abdurrachman Wahid
>We deeply appreciate your long-held concern for Indonesia's
>poor and strongly support your efforts to bring about a more
>democratic, free, and environmentally friendly Indonesia.
>We are concerned, however, by your recent call for the
>continuation of the ban on bicycle rickshaws or becak. This
>ban causes great hardships for becak drivers and passengers
>alike, many of whom are among Jakarta's urban poor.  The ban
>not only harms the poor, abrogating their basic human
>rights, but also contributes to national, regional, and
>global environmental degradation.
>We urge your administration to reconsider its support for
>the becak  ban and to adopt alternative approaches to
>address the concerns that have been expressed about the
>image and labor conditions associated with these vehicles.
>We hope your government will encourage credit systems so
>drivers can purchase and upgrade the vehicles they operate
>and manage traffic to encourage more and safer non-motorized
>Becaks offer non-polluting, inexpensive and convenient
>travel. Far from being backward, bicycle rickshaws operate
>in over 50 major cities around the world, including New York
>City, Washington, Amsterdam, San Francisco, Prague, Krakow,
>Mexico City, and Manila, and are used in international
>airports. Encouraging bicycle rickshaws would cut pollution
>and health damage from air pollution in Jakarta, one of the

>most polluted cities in the world.  It would also reflect
>well,  nationally and internationally, on your
>administration's commitment to the poor and the environment.
>The ban on cycle rickshaws under Bylaw 11/1988 is an issue
>of both national and global importance. We respectfully ask
>you to reconsider the enforcement of this Bylaw and hope you
>will instead urge the Jakarta City Council to repeal the
>Bylaw and adopt measures that better address the welfare of
>becak drivers and the urban poor as well as some of
>Jakarta's most pressing health and environmental problems.
>-------END OF LETTER-------------------------

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