
I just repeat an old story again. I don't want to prove or disprove or claim anything.

About ten years ago, there was a dictionary in DOS environment written by Bahman Sabouri (if I recall correctly) with a database claimed to be based on Aryanpour dictionary. I can accpet that claim because I checked many of its entries against a one-volume Aryanpour dictionary and it seemed to be the right source (One-volume Aryanpour dictionary by AmirKabir publishing co.). It has the ability to add words to the database. By the time I had that copy of the software, the database had some extra words added by previous users. I decoded the database and created a text file. Then I started to modify it and correct mis-spelled words and typos and anything I thought must be changed. I didn't intend to do anything with it at the time. I did it just out of curiosity and challenge. Masood Hashemi was and is a friend of mine and was our FoxPro master in the department. We decided to use that data for a FoxPro dictionary and he did the job. Because I was the one who somehow had provided the data and he was the programmer, both of our names were in the program as the authors. I saw a copy of that program a few years ago in Shiraz, in one of my visits to Shiraz medical university.

Now, if we accept that the data in Masood Hashemi's online dictionary is the same data, which is a strong guess, then by this short history you know exactly how that was provided. I should add that at the time of that DOS software, we were not aware of any possible copy right on this data, as I believe neither was the original author. Or maybe the fact was that no one cared about it, even AmirKabir publishing co. who was the Aryanpour publisher. I am not sure, anyway.


Pedram Safari wrote:

In any case, I would like to testify again that the "program" is written
by Masood Hashemi, so there is no copyright infringement if his share in
this work, and his willingness to make it available to the public, is
acknowledged and appreciated. There has been no official claim yet by
anyone on the source of the "database" (I think Majid Khanban said that he supervised a project by Masood Hashemi and someone else from which this database came out, but he couldn't recall the name of the other person, am I right, Majid?). Neither any official claim by anyone on the dictionary "content", unless you, Behdad, are Aryanpours' official attorney.

As I had promised before, I would give appropriate credits in my
dictionary page to the person who could produce convincing proof of
his/her involvement in that project.

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|| ||||  Ali Asghar Khanban
|| ||    Research Associate in Department of Computing
|||||||  Imperial College London, London SW7 2BZ, U.K.
||       Tel: +44 (020) 7594 8241         Fax: +1 (509) 694 0599
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