On 12-Jun-04, at 8:50 AM, Hooman Mehr wrote:

On the other hand, I suspect you have font related issues. read below...

This whole thing means that on Mac platform we will see the wrong parenthesis on Persian web-pages forever!

Part of the issue you are experiencing could be related to fonts. Persian/Arabic Apple fonts need a suitable character property table to identify mirrored glyphs and behave correctly. Please compare the behavior of Geeza Pro standard system font with the fonts you are using. If they are different it is because of the missing or improperly formed 'prop' table in the font. (http://developer.apple.com/fonts/TTRefMan/RM06/Chap6prop.html) If this is the case let me know to see how I can help fix them.

I do all my tests with Geeza Pro and ISIRI keyboard does produce the opposite of intended parenthesis with Geeza Pro. Apple Persian keyboard produces the intended one because as I said it is mapped in the opposite way.
My other fonts behave similarly which, I suppose, is good news!


P/S I'm very interested to present this discussion to Apple developer and I'm working on it.

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