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Just pointing out that they are very different from the typical insects 
associated with cultural collections
“Bed bugs and their eggs cannot withstand -20 F for 72 hours; not that bed bugs 
are a big deal in cultural collections anyway.”
“It is true about bed bugs; they're tough critters.  However, there's no way 
they are going to survive 72 hours at -20 F or -15 F, or even 0 F.”
0°F is effective in killing bed bugs, but items must be left in the freezer for 
at least 4 days (96 hours compared to 72 hours).

From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [pestlist] Freezer Trucks

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Group -

I know this particular email from Tom Strang concerns freezer trucks.  He's 
right on with what I've been saying all along; you don't have to reach -20 F in 
4 hours.

Let me address chest-type freezers.  There seems to be confusion out there 
about them.  There are lots of chest-type freezers available today that can 
maintain -20 F.  And frost-free freezers are OK.  Do an on-line search and 
you'll see what I'm saying.

Bed bugs and their eggs cannot withstand -20 F for 72 hours; not that bed bugs 
are a big deal in cultural collections anyway.
Tom Parker
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom.Strang <>
To: pestlist <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 12, 2012 2:37 pm
Subject: Re: [pestlist] Freezer Trucks

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Dear Dana,

You should not be disappointed with your low temperature  treatment.

I assume a record box is roughly 16 inches long, 12 inches wide and 10

inches high. Your email indicates they were stacked as walls. I assume they

were stacked sides-abutting to make them more stable leaving a wall 16

inches thick.  With close packed organic, akin to bales of agricultural

product, your stack will have a  time to thermal half change in about one

day+.  72F degrees is 21C. -15 F is -26C, more than adequate to kill pest

insects so not achieving -20F (-28C) is not a concern as -20C is quite

sufficient for a week. The fact you achieved -26C from 21C means you

dropped 47C in 4 days,  about a time to half change of a day (remember the

frog jumping half down a log, then half again.. when does the frog jump off

the log puzzle). Were you at 5F at two days? if so you were pretty much

spot on what can be estimated from the chart I published in 1994, and is

available in the  CCI TB29 and on our website (find "ten agents  pests").

Hold them at your -15F setpoint and you will have had an efficacious

treatment unless there was thermal bridging from the bottom of the van into

the base of the stack. If they were on pallets, and air circulated under,

all should be well.



Tom Strang

Canadian Conservation Institute | Institut canadien de conservation

Senior Conservation Scientist | Scientifique principal en conservation

Institut Canadien de Conservation | Canadian Conservation Institute

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0M5<>

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From:   dana senge <<>>


Date:   03/10/2012 08:50 PM

Subject:       [pestlist] Freezer Trucks

Sent by:<>

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We recently tried using a freezer truck to process a large number of

boxes of archives.  Record boxes were stacked in rows with 12" gaps

between the rows to allow for air circulation.  We placed a datalogger

in the center of one of the boxes of archive materials (in the center

of the truck) and another outside the boxes to measure the temperature

of the air in the truck box.  The results were surprising.

We had been informed that the truck would go down to -20 degrees F in

4 hours.  Our data loggers showed that it took 10 hours for the air in

the truck to go from 44 degrees F to -15 degrees F, and the

temperature inside one of the record boxes took ~96 hours to drop from

70 degrees to -15 degrees.  (The boxes had been in a 72 degree

environment before being placed in the truck box).  It appears that

the starting temperature of the boxes of paper was more difficult to

reduce than I expected.  And the truck never achieved the desired


We are very disappointed in these initial results and are trying to

figure out if there is a different  strategy for using a freezer

truck, or if this is just not feasible for freezing densely packed

materials, such as paper packed in a record box.  We are discussing

packing boxes half full and packing the truck to allow for even more

air circulation.  But it seems that getting to the goal of -20 degrees

F in 4 hours may not be feasible.

Does anyone have any positive experiences working with a freezer truck

for processing a large quantity of materials?  Especially dense

materials such as wood or boxes of paper?


Dana Senge

Assistant Conservator

National Park Service

Intermountain Region Museum Services Program

Tucson, AZ 85745



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