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Hi Nicole
As Pascal mentioned, the temperature is going to be critical in ensuring
that you achieve 100% mortality. When testing powderpost beetles Dr Mark
Gilberg found that it took up to 12 days to kill all stages at 30C and
70RH. You’re using a lower RH than in that test which should reduce the
time, but it takes longer to kill insects at lower temperatures (i.e. up to
6 weeks at 20C). If the temperature where you are treating the objects is
low you will need to increase the temp.
Oxygen scavengers take a number of days to reduce the oxygen level so you
need to allow for this when thinking about treatment time as well.
Regarding the Anobium life cycle, the adults emerge in late spring/ early
summer. This means that there would be minimal risk of cross-infestation as
the borers will be in the larval stage at this time (unless they are from
the southern hemisphere, e.g. Australia, where the beetles are emerging
Best wishes

On Wed, 3 Jan 2018 at 5:44 am, Pascal Querner <> wrote:

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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Hi Nicole,
> what temperature do you have for your treatment and what pest (in wood or
> others?). if you have about 25 C and the anoxia systhem is working, you
> should have 0,0 % Oxygen and 3 weeks should be enough. For wood boring
> pests it should be fine also, but they one of are the hardest to kill with
> anoxia.
> All the best from Europe,
> Pascal
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 02. Januar 2018 um 18:10 Uhr
> *Von:* "Nicole Grabow" <>
> *An:*, "AIC Objects Specialty Group Discussion" <
> *Betreff:* [pestlist] anoxic treatment update and more questions
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> Hello lists (crossposting with OSG and Pests),
> Thank you all for your help and advice in designing an anoxic system. I
> was able to order the RP-K oxygen scavengers direct from Mitsubishi and
> since there were none in stock in all of North America they shipped them
> all the way from Tokyo. My RH is holding at 45%, which is good. Also, a
> very generous colleague has lent us an oxygen detecting system.
> I am writing now to ask if anyone - particularly perhaps the bug experts
> on the Pest list - can tell me about the life cycle of the Anobiidae
> family, and if there is any wiggle room on the 21-day recommendation for
> anoxic treatment. The shipment from Japan set us back a few days and we
> will hit the 21-day mark exactly one day after the show opens. What kind of
> risk are we looking at if we choose to take them out after 20 days?
> Thanks,
> Nicole
> Nicole Grabow
> Senior Objects Conservator and Preservation Conservator
> Midwest Art Conservation Center
> 2400 Third Avenue South
> <,+MN+55404&entry=gmail&source=g>
> <,+MN+55404&entry=gmail&source=g>
> Minneapolis, MN 55404
> <,+MN+55404&entry=gmail&source=g>
> (612)870-3129
> *The Midwest Art Conservation Center is a non-profit regional center for
> the preservation and conservation of art and artifacts providing treatment,
> education, and training for museums, historical societies, libraries, other
> cultural institutions as well as public and private clients.*
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Modified Atmospheres
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