On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 07:22:14PM +0100, Cedric Berger wrote:

> >If we leave out all the technical challenges involved, the real question
> >is if the pf developers find this idea useful at all? 
> >
> A few points, in wrac:
> 1) I kind of like libraries, but they are difficult to get right,
> and probably more difficult is to have people agree to use it.

In case of pf(4), I don't see why anybody would object to using it. If
it is done correctly, of course. E.g. I had to write 500+ lines of code
just to get a list of currently loaded filter rules. If we had a
library, I bet 20 lines would've been enough.

> 2) Theo doesn't like libraries too much.

Imagine what would OpenBSD look like if it didn't have any libraries ;)
Again, if done properly, I doubt even Theo would have anything against

> 3) The current way file are shared between pfctl, authpf and
> tcpdump is kind of ugly IMHO.

Can't really tell, but a library would've been nicer, for sure.

> 4) I've never used authpf, but I wonder why authpf does not
> call the pfctl binary, to have the benefit of code reuse without
> that tricky sharing of files. Combining binaries is usually the
> Unix way, I believe.

pfctl does not support inserting rules on the fly and authpf needs that.
On the other hand, the overhead of having that would be too big.

// haver

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