On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 09:43:34PM +0100, Daniel Hartmeier wrote:

> As for a library, that would only make sense if it were an additional
> abstraction layer somewhere between pf(4) ioctls and pfctl command line.
> Whether you find a level that changes less often than pf(4) but is more
> generic than pfctl decides how useful it would be. If it changes with
> each pf(4) change, it will just be another piece in the puzzle to update
> everytime, increasing the amount of work caused by changes.

Good abstraction layer is possible. I don't really see why a library
'hiding' the behind the scene changes happening to pf could cause more
grief. In fact, even the in tree things (authpf, pfsync, whatever) might
benefit from that. Imagine,

#include <libpf.h>
int ret = insert_pf_rule("block in from to any");

Perhaps I'm asking for too much, but that would be nice.

> I don't suggest that userland tools like libdnet, pftop, symon, etc.
> should immediately adjust to all -current changes in pf. It's probably
> enough if they just provide one working source for each OpenBSD
> -release/-stable.

Perhaps. But if you have a single box and want to follow -current, but
you also want to maintain a piece of software, that becomes rather
difficult ;)

> If you want an update to -current, mail me, I'll happily adjust your
> source to -current. It causes me less work to adjust a handful of userland
> tools than maintaining a library. :)

Heh. Thanks for the offer, but I can do that myself. As Car mentioned
before, you might go mad after a couple of -current synchs. It might be a
handful of tools now, but with a decent library API, there might be many more.

But ok, I'll shut up now.

// haver

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