On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 07:50:09PM +0100, Henning Brauer wrote:

> > pfctl does not support inserting rules on the fly and authpf needs that.
> > On the other hand, the overhead of having that would be too big.
> hmmmm, things changed... authpf uses anchors now, that IS possible with
> pfctl... hmmm.

Didn't know that. So, authpf can insert rules on fly using anchors, but is
this possible with arbitrary applications? Say I want my snort box to insert
filter rules into pf, by sending a messages (something like
'block') to a daemon running on my pf fw and have the daemon
translate that into a rules which can be added to the filter/anchor.

I guess the answer is yes. Write an authpf-like daemon (with a remote
interface) and let is do the job. Oh, this brings us back to the
original issue. It would be hell to maintain.

No? Is there a better/nicer way?

// haver

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