Off-Topic Senate Crooks: Sen. John McCain says Senate will not confirm any 
Clinton Supreme Court nominee, later softens pledge

        An issue that has been mostly absent from this year's Senate
        campaigns -- the fate of the Supreme Court -- suddenly erupted
        Monday after Sen.  John McCain, R-Ariz., indicated during a
        talk-radio appearance that Republicans would move to block any
        high-court nominee made by a President Hillary Clinton should
        the Democratic nominee win ... "Senator McCain believes you
        can only judge people by their record, and Hillary Clinton has
        a clear record of supporting liberal judicial nominees,"
        spokeswoman Rachel Dean said. "That being said, Senator McCain
        will, of course, thoroughly examine the record of any Supreme
        Court nominee put before the Senate and vote for or against
        that individual based on their qualifications as he has done
        throughout his career."  Later in the day, during a campaign
        stop in Chandler, Arizona, McCain avoided the more strident
        position when responding to a question from local business
        officials about the court.

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