Re: Dave Page 2018-04-16 
> > The python part is causing headaches - the move from flask-babel to
> > flask-babelex is hurting because that's not available in Debian, and
> > the move as such is controversial:
> >
> Hmm, we had to update as flask_babel isn’t working with modern versions of
> Babel.
> > At the moment this looks like a huge time sink to package.
> Can flask_babelex be built as a private package and installed in the
> pgAdmin web/ directory? That’s what Devrim does with a bunch of the dips
> for the RPMs.

That part turned out to be easier than I had thought. I had already
packaged babelex because it's a dependency of flask-security 3.0.0,
but never uploaded it because flask-security 1.7.5 seemed good enough.
Done now.

flask-security 3.0.0 has the additional problem that it wants
python-speaklater, but that seems to be dead upstream and got removed
from Debian years (?) ago, so I think we'll stay with 1.7.5 for now.

Packages for pgadmin4 3.0 will appear on the mirrors in about one hour.


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