
I am sure it is not a pgAdmin issue, because I checked and button
translations (Ok, Cancel etc) appear properly in pgAdmin dialogs (for
example, the Options dialog). I was referring to those dialogs that are most
probably used from the wxWidgets framework (a text + 2 or 3 standard
buttons). I followed the discussion on the Serbian and Spanish translation
and it seems that the list of available languages in wxWidgets is determined
differently. I will work on pgAdmin translation only and warn the person who
tries to translate wxstd.po about this issue.

BTW, I would like to introduce more standardization in Macedonian
translations of db-related tools, and I found this site:

Is it ok if I register the pgAdmin translation there, so anyone who
translates db-related software can reuse common db-related terms ?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Guillaume Lelarge
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 17:25
To: Goce Smilevski
Subject: Re: [pgadmin-hackers] Translation to Macedonian

Hi Goce,

Goce Smilevski a écrit :
> I followed the instructions in the "Translation How-To" and the .po file
> that I work on appears to be the latest one (2109 messages). I am still
> working on the translation (only 25% messages translated), and I will send
> an initial version when I am done. The wxWidgets translation will be most
> probably done in parallel (by somebody else). I tried to replace the
> file with the one compiled in poEdit (with only a couple of
> messages translated) but pgAdmin still shows yes/no/cancel buttons on
> dialogs in English. Is there any special procedure that I should follow in
> order to replace those messages, too ?

It seems I have the same issue with the french translation. Actually, 
the options dialog has no translation for Help and Cancel (and OK but I 
use the same string in french :) ). When I drop the name attribute of 
these wxButton in pgadmin/ui/frmOptions.xrc file, translations appear.

wxrc -g gets Cancel and Help strings from .xrc files. pgadmin.po has 
them. So, I don't really think it is a bug with pgAdmin.

Is it a bug with wxWidgets ?

Any ideas ?



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