Oops, I've got strings there too - when swapping instead of playing tiles:

#  select * from words_moves where gid=609 and action <> 'play';
 mid  | action | gid | uid  |            played             |  tiles   |
 1063 | swap   | 609 | 1192 | 2018-03-02 14:13:24.684301+01 | "ТСНЦУЭ" |
 1067 | swap   | 609 | 1192 | 2018-03-02 15:31:14.378474+01 | "ЕЯУЕФП" |
 1068 | swap   | 609 |    7 | 2018-03-02 15:52:07.629119+01 | "ОЕЕАУ"  |
 1072 | swap   | 609 |    7 | 2018-03-02 16:06:43.365012+01 | "ЕЕЫ"    |
 1076 | swap   | 609 |    7 | 2018-03-02 16:20:18.933948+01 | "Ъ"      |
(5 rows)

So my problem was simple. I am sorry for the numerous mails!

(it is just such a long chain - android/html5 - Jetty - PostgreSQL, so that
sometimes I am confused.
At least I am glad to have most of my logic as Pl/pgSQL right at the data)


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