tony wrote:
Excuse me dear sir. There seems to be about 97% of the world that runs
Windows that does not give you permission to be rude to a tiny minority
who just happen to have written an insanely great database that runs
quite nicely on their "hobby" OSs as well as the crap you call home. If
you aren't pleased with the postgresql support on Windows don't use
it!!! That is your freedom. Ours is to think (maybe wrongly) that it is
much better running it on the BSDs and Linux of our choice. That is our

There is nothing egoist about developing a great database server on an
OS with a tiny user base. The egoists are elsewhere dear sir, far from
the free software developers, in the closed source world. The code is
there, it is free - go and improve it. Maybe you need a dictionary to
look up the word egoist?

Please go and troll over at MySQL. They have a Windows version too and
maybe a lot more time and patience for rude people such as yourself.


This thread is getting a bit carried away, don't you think? If this keeps up, these fora run the risk of turning into the gong show that the* newsgroup frequently becomes.
If you think it's a legitimate flame, why not ignore it, instead of adding to the noise?

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