> I thank you all for throwing light on the question I asked.

[missed it earlier, not been reading that lists mail]

> I was exchanging mails with one of the developers on 
> PgFoundry.  He made a comment and said 
> 'Is anybody using PostgreSQL on Windows?'.

Yes. I know of several fairly large production installations running on
win32. I don't have one myself at the moment, though.

> I began to wonder, was the Windows version a toy?


It does *NOT* have the same performance as the Unix version. In some
tests it comes fairly close. If your application does lots of
connect/disconnects, we *know* it is *always* significantly slower. This
can be mitigated by using connection pooling. Write intensive apps are
significantly slower, but we hope to have that fixed in 8.0.2.

The Windows version is also new. Therefor, one can expect there to be
more problems with it. Both performance-wise and stability-wise.

> From your views, I can conclude that I must not go near using 
> or deploying PostgreSQL on production Windows servers. Thanks 
> for that information. But I was of the opinion that 
> perfection comes out of practice and that certain crashes and
> experimentation(s) would lead to a better product adaptation.

I personally wouldn't go that far. You should be fine to deploy
postgresql on win32. Just not very large installations, and you may need
to pay a bit more attention to your backups.

Again, there *are* production deployments on the win32 version. Some are
pretty large. Several have been running since beta1 (at least one since
before beta1) without significant problems.

Also, keep in mind that the postgresql community does not have a lot of
experience with the win32 port either. So if you run into problem, there
aren't as many experienced people around. Yet. Feel free to become one.


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