On 2022-Dec-07, David G. Johnston wrote:

> Are you suggesting we should not go down the path that v8-0003 does in the
> monitoring section cleanup thread?  I find the usability of Chapter 54
> System Views to be superior to these two run-on chapters and would rather
> we emulate it in both these places - for what is in the end very little
> additional effort, all mechanical in nature.

I think the new 9.26 is much better now than what we had there two days
ago.  Maybe it would be even better with your proposed changes, but
let's see what you come up with.

As for Chapter 54, while it's a lot better than what we had previously,
I have a complaint about the new presentation: the overview table
appears (at least in the HTML presentation) in a separate page from the
initial page of the chapter.  So to get the intended table of contents I
have to move forward from the unintended table of contents (i.e. from
https://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/views.html forward to
https://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/views-overview.html ).  This seems
pointless.  I think it would be better if we just removed the line
<sect1 id="overview">, which would put that table in the "front page".

I also have an issue with Chapter 28, more precisely 28.2.2, where we
have a similar TOC-style tables (Tables 28.1 and 28.2), but these ones
seem inferior to the new table in Chapter 54 in that the outgoing links
are in random positions in the text of the table.  It would be better to
put those in a column of their own, so that they are all vertically
aligned and easier to spot/click.  Not sure if you've been here already.

Álvaro Herrera               48°01'N 7°57'E  —  https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/
"En las profundidades de nuestro inconsciente hay una obsesiva necesidad
de un universo lógico y coherente. Pero el universo real se halla siempre
un paso más allá de la lógica" (Irulan)

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