On 16/11/2007, Sam Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've been writing some code[1] to support Javascript in the backend.
> I've got the basic bits working, the next job for me is implementing
> SPI support.  Currently, it runs simple bits of code like the
> following:
>     return n+1;
>   $$;



> It knows to compile the code inside a javascript function, passing the
> parameters with the specified names.  If no names are specified, $n
> style naming is used--Javascript nicely deviates from C syntax in
> respect of allowing $ in parameter names.  It knows how to handle
> boolean and numeric (int[248], float[48] and numeric) types are known
> about at the moment.  Javascript has only one numeric type, so
> everything behaves as a double.
> For SPI, I'm thinking that I'd currently like to attempt some object
> orientated style interface.  In simplest terms, it would look a bit
> like this:
>   portal = {
>     next : function () { return {} }
>     close : function () { }
>   }
>   plan = {
>     query : function (args,readonly) { return portal; }
>     execute : function (args) { }
>     close : function () { }
>   }
>   spi = {
>     prepare : function (sql,argtypes) { return plan; }
>   }
> So running some SQL would probably look something like:
>   for (row in spi.prepare("SELECT 1 AS n").query()) {
>     print(row.n);
>   }
> The spi object would be passed into the javascript function as an extra
> parameter, maybe with the name "__spi" to avoid name clashes.
> I may put some shortcuts in if things turn out to be too slow later
> on, but I'd prefer not to.  Most other languages seem to expose the
> SPI functions directly, but that seems like a bit of a waste in a
> language that should be able to do OO stuff.  PL/Java seems to have
> its hands tied with JDBC, so I can't look there for much inspiration.
> Are there any other OO languages that do things well?
> Let me know what you think!
>   Sam
> p.s. the main reason for doing this is because I think Javascript is a
> nice language!.  Having said that, Nulls are handled very badly by
> javascript, so (1+null = 1) and ("_"+null+"_" = "_null_")!
>  [1] http://xen.samason.me.uk/~sam/repos/pljs/
>      It's definitely work in progress!  I have fun with header
>      clashes between Postgres and Spidermonkey---hence the split
>      into C files.
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