Robert Haas wrote:
While we could perhaps accept only those variant formats which we
specifically know someone to be using, it seems likely that people
will keep moving those pesky dashes around, and we'll likely end up
continuing to add more formats and arguing about which ones are widely
enough used to deserve being on the list.  So my vote is - as long as
they don't put a dash in the middle of a group of four (aka a byte),
just let it go.

I somewhat disagree with supporting other formats. Reasons include:

   1) Reduced error checking.
2) The '-' is not the only character that people have used. ClearCase uses '.' and ':' as punctuation. 3) People already have the option of translating the UUID from their application to a standard format. 4) As you find below, and is probably possible to improve on, a fixed format can be parsed more efficient.

Somewhat to my surprise, this implementation appears to be about 2-3%
slower than the one it replaces, as measured using a trivial test
harness.  I would have thought that eliminating a call to strlen() and
an extra copy of the data would have actually picked up some speed,
but it seems not.  Any thoughts on the reason?  In any case, I don't
believe there's any possible use case where a 2-3% slowdown in
uuid_to_string is actually perceptible to the user, since I had to
call it 100 million times in a tight loop to measure it.

I don't know which implementation was used for the PostgreSQL core, but any hard coded constants would allow for the optimizer to generate instructions that can run in parallel, or that are better aligned to machine words.

2-3% slow down for what gain? It still doesn't handle all cases, and it's less able to check the format for correctness.



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