Mark Mielke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Anyways - I only somewhat disagree. I remember the original discussions, 
> and I remember agreeing with the points to keep PostgreSQL UUID support 
> thin and rigid. It's valuable for it to be built-in to the database. 
> It's not necessarily valuable for PostgreSQL to support every UUID 
> version or every format. Supporting additional formats is the direction 
> of supporting every UUID format. Three months from now, somebody is 
> going to propose allowing '-' or ':'. What should the answer be then?

Well, this discussion started with the conventional wisdom about "be
conservative in what you send and liberal in what you accept".  I'd
still resist emitting any UUID format other than the RFC-approved one,
but I don't see anything very wrong in being able to read common

                        regards, tom lane

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