Hi all,

Seems the night has been providing lots of thoughs :)

Josh Berkus <j...@agliodbs.com> writes:
> Sure.  I think that having better search path management would be a
> wonderful thing; it would encourage people to use schema more in general.
> However, that doesn't mean that I think it should be part of the extensions
> design, or even a gating factor.

First, this thread allowed us to go from:
  "we don't know where to install extensions" 
  "we all agree that a specific pg_extension schema is a good idea, as
   soon as user is free not to use it at extension install time".

So you see, search_path and extensions are related and thinking about
their relationship will help design the latter.

> search_path_suffix = 'pg_modules, information_schema'
> search_path = 'main,web,accounts'
> ... would mean that any object named would search in
> main,web,accounts,pg_modules,information_schema.  This would be one way to
> solve the issue of having extra schema for extensions or other "utilities"
> in applications.

That really seems exactly to be what we're proposing with pre_ and post_
search_path components: don't change current meaning of search_path,
just give DBAs better ways to manage it. And now that you're leaning
towards a search_path suffix, don't you want a prefix too?


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