Josh Berkus <> writes:
>> Josh's position that "this should be standard SQL" is nonsense, or
>> at least he ought to be making that argument to the standards committee
>> not us.  

> Huh?  When did I say that?

Sorry, I think I got one of your messages confused with one of Robert's.

> *Built-in* functions are just as good as extra syntax, as far as I'm
> concerned.

> Functions which require installing plpgsql, reading the docs, creating a
> function, pasting it in, and saving it are NOT as good; they are
> unlikely to ever be used, except by the people who didn't really need
> them in the first place.

Agreed, whatever we want to provide here should be available in a
vanilla installation.  This might argue for providing a C-code
implementation instead of plpgsql, since I'm not sure we are yet
ready to have plpgsql force-installed.  But we can certainly design
and prototype in plpgsql.

                        regards, tom lane

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