On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 8:32 PM, Alvaro
Herrera<alvhe...@commandprompt.com> wrote:
> Mike wrote:
>> The thing that caused me the most trouble was that the "," wasn't very
>> noticeable sitting near the end of this line:
>> EXPLAIN [ ( { ANALYZE boolean | VERBOSE boolean | COSTS boolean |
>> FORMAT { TEXT | XML | JSON } } [, ...] ) ] statement
>> It may just be me, but I read that as the comma being optional, not
>> mandatory in circumstances where you want to specify more then one
>> option.
> It is you -- what's optional is having more than one option, but as soon
> as you have a second one, the comma is mandatory.
> I agree some examples would be useful.

Hmm, I thought we had some examples in there, but now that I look we
only have an example for COSTS OFF, not for FORMAT.  That does seem
like an oversight.


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